Bronze of Satyr
REF: 039
Price: £10,500
A copy of a Bronze of a Faun with the infant Bacchus, by Michele Amodio of Naples (1817-1913) after the antique (circa 1870).
This wonderful, lively group shows the infant Bacchus sitting atop a faun's shoulder.
The young God tempts the faun with a bunch of grapes in one hand, whilst he clutches his hair with the other. On the stump next to his feet lie insignia of the God - the pan pipes, shepherd's staff and a goat skin. The stump is also decorated with grapes and leaves.
The original bronze is a Roman copy of a Greek scultpture carved from marble around 200 BC.
This bronze group was cast towards the end of the 19th century. Bacchus, son of Jupiter, was the Roman God of wine, agriculture and fertility - equivalent to the Greek God Dionysus.
Faun and Satyr are confusing terms of descriptions. Generally fauns are Roman and Satyrs Greek.
Both, Half human and half goat, with large ears, cloven hooves and tails. Even more confusing is that during the Hellenistic period they were portrayed as handsome young men, carefree and romantic. In one form or another the term faun and stayr appear in both Greek and Roman mythology!
The group is in fine original condition with good patination.
Height: 29"/ 74cm
Width: 7.5" / 19cm
Side: 10"/26cm