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The Human Figure in Motion - by Eadweard Muybridge

The Human Figure in Motion - by Eadweard Muybridge

REF: 084

Price: £250

The Electro photographic investigation of consecutive phases of muscular action.

This rare book was published in 1904. It is a 2nd edition, and it is in reasonable condition.

Muybridge was born Edward Muggeridge in Kingston on Thames, England in April 1830, and he died in America in 1903.

As a young man he went to America and this is where he changed his name. He became a famous photographer and revolutionized photographic techniques and invented sophisticated equipment including an apparatus called a zooproxiscope, which was designed to take the hundreds of rapid photographs of the human body which appear in this book. They are mostly, discretely nude, and some of the ladies he used were dancers from a Theatre in Philadelphia. The photos were taken in California between 1872 and 1885. The information they displayed was extremely useful to physiologists and artists, and was considered to be the beginning of the theory of motion pictures.

W: 12.75"/32cm
H: 10"/25.5cm
D: 1.25"/4cm

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